Linlong Xue

Company: Biogen
Job title: Associate Scientific Director
Panel Discussion – Revolutionizing RNA Assays to Characterize the Mechanism of Action for Advancing RNA Targeted Drug Development 11:00 am
Comparing different assay and screening approaches which the field is currently using to better understand the mechanism of action How to optimize current assays to better understand the mechanism of action? How to utilize phenotypic methods to delve into the underlying mechanism?Read more
day: Conference Day Two
Development of Biophysical Assays to Explore MOA of HTT Splicing Modulation by SM 9:00 am
Development of MST and SPR assays to measure SM binding to HTT RNA SM-RNA Chair’s epitope mapping by NMR Development of biophysical assays to measure SM-mediated U1snRNP association New company & New Data BadgesRead more
day: Conference Day Two
Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Conference Day One 4:00 pm
day: Conference Day One
Chair’s Opening Remarks 8:50 am
day: Conference Day One